In [1]:
%autosave 0
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
display(HTML('<style>.container { width:100%; } </style>'))
Autosave disabled
The process of creating a spam detector using the naive Bayes algorithm is split up into four steps.
We need the module os
for reading directories and the module re
regular expressions.
In [2]:
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import math
An object of class `Counter` is a special form of a dictionary
that is used for counting. We need a counter to figure out what the most common words are.
In [3]:
from collections import Counter
The directory contains 960 emails that are divided into four subdirectories:
contains 350 spam emails for training,ham-train
contains 350 non-spam emails for training,spam-test
contains 130 spam emails for testing,ham-test
contains 130 non-spam emails for testing.Originally, this data has been collected by Ion Androutsopoulos. I have found this data on the page provided by Andrew Ng.
We declare some variables so this notebook can be adapted to other data sets.
In [4]:
spam_dir_train = 'EmailData/spam-train/'
ham__dir_train = 'EmailData/ham-train/'
spam_dir_test = 'EmailData/spam-test/'
ham__dir_test = 'EmailData/ham-test/'
Directories = [spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train, spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test]
In order to compute the prior probability that an email is ham or spam we need to count the number of spam and ham emails.
In [5]:
no_spam = len(os.listdir(spam_dir_train))
no_ham = len(os.listdir(ham__dir_train))
spam_prior = no_spam / (no_spam + no_ham)
ham__prior = no_ham / (no_spam + no_ham)
spam_prior, ham__prior
(0.5, 0.5)
I have checked that the proportion of spam and ham emails in the test directory is also $1:1$. If the proportion of spam and ham emails in life is different from $1:1$, then we would have to use this proportion in the spam filter to be developed.
The function $\texttt{get_words}(\texttt{fn})$ takes a filename $\texttt{fn}$ as its argument. It reads the file and returns a set of all words that are found in this file. The words are transformed to lower case.
In [6]:
def get_words(fn):
file = open(fn)
text =
text = text.lower()
return set(re.findall(r"[\w']+", text))
Let us test this function with a small example mail.
In [7]:
The function read_all_files
reads all files contained in those directories that are stored in the list Directories
It returns a Counter
. For every word $w$ this counter contains the number of files that contain $w$.
In [8]:
def read_all_files():
Words = Counter()
for directory in Directories:
for file_name in os.listdir(directory):
Words.update(get_words(directory + file_name))
return Words
is a list of the 2500 most common words found in all of our emails.
In [9]:
N = 2500 # number of the most common words to use
Word_Counter = read_all_files()
Counter({'eminent': 9,
'earn': 69,
'experience': 123,
'through': 155,
'phd': 22,
'prestige': 9,
'increase': 69,
'grant': 23,
'effort': 75,
'mba': 8,
'choice': 51,
'here': 259,
'short': 86,
'field': 117,
'part': 131,
'personal': 102,
'programs': 21,
'base': 134,
'ba': 13,
'phone': 202,
'power': 52,
'necessary': 55,
'degree': 41,
'further': 154,
'detail': 143,
'call': 347,
'advance': 81,
'require': 131,
'nonaccredit': 8,
'award': 20,
'present': 142,
'knowledge': 72,
'money': 187,
'university': 307,
'diploma': 10,
'ma': 37,
'cost': 147,
'entire': 45,
'conference': 138,
'grab': 9,
'week': 173,
'receive': 283,
'start': 173,
'leverage': 5,
'offence': 4,
'our': 365,
'delete': 59,
'po': 53,
'old': 83,
'mailer': 20,
'financial': 70,
'member': 104,
'problem': 128,
'believe': 103,
'ago': 65,
'throw': 20,
'customer': 69,
'hello': 54,
'letter': 106,
'inexpensive': 24,
'guarantee': 100,
'ignore': 42,
'complete': 119,
'control': 53,
'outside': 43,
'cash': 91,
'name': 289,
'usa': 122,
'state': 220,
'pardon': 9,
'texa': 35,
'cst': 5,
'reside': 3,
'send': 360,
'lifeline': 1,
'later': 81,
'without': 122,
'print': 107,
'program': 226,
'honestly': 6,
'best': 206,
'nobrainer': 1,
'one': 404,
'note': 148,
'free': 302,
'show': 161,
'computer': 152,
'credit': 103,
'registration': 86,
'must': 181,
'grapevine': 1,
'process': 161,
'center': 60,
'today': 179,
'weekly': 35,
'mind': 62,
'zip': 75,
'interest': 283,
'compound': 12,
'few': 128,
'address': 379,
'simple': 111,
'telephone': 91,
'educational': 22,
'main': 72,
'worth': 48,
'entitle': 13,
'convert': 12,
'plan': 88,
's': 560,
'message': 189,
'join': 95,
'number': 248,
'respond': 45,
'box': 124,
'achieve': 42,
'card': 112,
'life': 99,
'solution': 28,
'mortgage': 18,
'please': 445,
'city': 120,
'information': 448,
'especially': 74,
'net': 100,
'id': 34,
'participate': 63,
'us': 308,
'pull': 8,
'independence': 14,
'tuesday': 21,
'enable': 26,
'company': 139,
'over': 250,
'simply': 123,
'night': 39,
'pm': 42,
'finances': 2,
'intrusion': 18,
'return': 103,
'solid': 15,
'establish': 35,
'mean': 81,
'freedom': 47,
'peace': 7,
'form': 210,
'begin': 69,
'system': 171,
'debt': 40,
'obtain': 41,
'secure': 32,
'per': 141,
'pack': 15,
'cozy': 1,
'oct': 6,
'vacation': 37,
'west': 26,
'archery': 1,
'felton': 1,
'pay': 149,
'e': 294,
'home': 161,
'accomodation': 10,
'virginium': 9,
'turkey': 3,
'deer': 1,
'loader': 6,
'wonderful': 12,
'sesson': 1,
'cook': 3,
'economical': 3,
'meal': 6,
'buck': 12,
'room': 55,
'mail': 350,
'reserve': 28,
'stay': 32,
'noon': 5,
'nov': 3,
'muzzel': 1,
'hunt': 3,
'season': 10,
'announce': 71,
'want': 231,
'follow': 320,
'space': 44,
'wood': 3,
'com': 257,
'compuserve': 26,
'day': 244,
'dec': 7,
'wild': 7,
'lunch': 44,
'book': 145,
'camp': 6,
'three': 103,
'doe': 29,
'additional': 110,
'million': 111,
'wi': 1,
'reach': 72,
'commercial': 37,
'info': 71,
'future': 116,
'success': 82,
'nettool': 1,
'fingertip': 9,
'internet': 188,
'software': 119,
'network': 43,
'search': 88,
'permanently': 12,
'area': 161,
'evaluation': 39,
'proper': 23,
'requirement': 43,
'presence': 26,
'section': 74,
'stop': 75,
'regard': 60,
'propose': 46,
'web': 211,
'advantage': 67,
'sender': 27,
'certain': 47,
'help': 164,
'remove': 203,
'storefront': 2,
'target': 36,
'product': 137,
'fellow': 22,
'promote': 38,
'luck': 34,
'basis': 64,
'request': 157,
'loc': 2,
'comply': 24,
'recent': 65,
'lead': 63,
'mailing': 71,
'bill': 84,
'selection': 38,
'c': 174,
'ooo': 1,
'waterford': 1,
'reply': 131,
'ten': 35,
'paragraph': 13,
'post': 113,
'unite': 61,
'transmission': 13,
'gov': 30,
'http': 399,
'entrepreneur': 14,
'subject': 192,
'tool': 70,
'service': 171,
'dear': 70,
'business': 164,
'assist': 24,
'level': 107,
'need': 250,
'sale': 74,
'thoma': 16,
'item': 40,
'unbelievable': 9,
'much': 190,
'try': 125,
'set': 105,
'wish': 142,
'thank': 182,
'market': 156,
'email': 429,
'vast': 5,
'online': 126,
'venture': 7,
'federal': 36,
'audience': 16,
'unwise': 1,
'check': 210,
'greatest': 35,
'unmissable': 1,
're': 198,
'titanictesco': 1,
'park': 32,
'fame': 1,
'onto': 10,
'release': 45,
'include': 354,
'player': 13,
'visit': 138,
'ultimate': 15,
'refreshment': 1,
'stack': 7,
'gossip': 6,
'shop': 35,
'while': 116,
'chart': 10,
'cd': 63,
'never': 120,
'unlikely': 4,
'package': 73,
'alway': 91,
'www': 296,
'undead': 1,
'band': 12,
'why': 118,
'billy': 2,
'event': 50,
'full': 143,
'right': 144,
'digital': 33,
'delay': 16,
'yourself': 90,
'late': 30,
'friend': 90,
'easy': 125,
'available': 254,
'beautiful': 32,
'placebo': 3,
'chance': 63,
'fantastic': 35,
'top': 77,
'pick': 44,
'mtv': 1,
'glamour': 2,
'run': 81,
'access': 98,
'john': 96,
'competition': 40,
'click': 135,
'offer': 229,
'compaq': 5,
'n': 78,
'pop': 22,
'roll': 24,
'scoop': 6,
'dizzy': 1,
'premiere': 4,
'big': 63,
'sound': 76,
'bathtub': 2,
'reporter': 6,
'crash': 7,
'witch': 7,
'radio': 28,
'tesco': 1,
'portrait': 1,
'drink': 6,
'milan': 4,
'down': 96,
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'play': 64,
'provide': 203,
'london': 40,
'thing': 109,
'aqua': 3,
'crazy': 6,
'fun': 66,
'tale': 3,
'site': 218,
'record': 65,
'spellbind': 1,
'prepare': 44,
'nt': 222,
'true': 78,
'leicester': 3,
'unsubscribe': 23,
'glitz': 2,
'b': 118,
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'xpack': 1,
'robbie': 7,
'emma': 1,
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'rem': 4,
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'thursday': 26,
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'rock': 11,
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'europe': 41,
'halloween': 1,
'bumper': 1,
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'even': 194,
'colors': 1,
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'celine': 3,
'ghost': 1,
'too': 85,
'attend': 30,
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'website': 81,
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'travolta': 1,
'foyer': 2,
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'risk': 50,
'cleanest': 16,
'postings': 1,
'vulgarity': 10,
'cut': 43,
'mine': 30,
'highly': 37,
'alberta': 2,
'sort': 36,
'fax': 247,
'filter': 31,
'produce': 63,
'seeker': 3,
'wrap': 23,
'ups': 2,
'dure': 13,
'download': 43,
'dupe': 12,
'kick': 7,
'undeliverable': 25,
'sell': 108,
'finally': 51,
'fedex': 5,
'unique': 42,
'real': 90,
'anon': 10,
'nobody': 12,
'fold': 8,
'generate': 67,
'private': 30,
'nospam': 1,
'mil': 15,
'bonus': 49,
'enclose': 43,
'monrose': 1,
'mlmer': 1,
'type': 183,
'nondeliverable': 1,
'key': 40,
'actually': 54,
'unless': 27,
'adam': 8,
In [10]:
Common_Words = { w for w, _ in Word_Counter.most_common(N) }
Having computed the most common words, we are now ready to compute the conditional probability that a given word occurs in a spam email.
The function $\texttt{get_common_words}(\texttt{fn})$ takes a filename $\texttt{fn}$
as its argument. It reads the file and returns the set of all words in Common_Words
that are found in the given file.
In [11]:
def get_common_words(fn):
return get_words(fn) & Common_Words
We test this function for a small email.
In [12]:
The function count_common_words
takes a string specifying a directory
. It returns a
that counts how often the words in Common_Words
occur in any of the files in directory
In [13]:
def count_commmon_words(directory):
Words = Counter()
for file_name in os.listdir(directory):
Words.update(get_common_words(directory + file_name))
return Words
Next, we compute dictionaries that store the number of occurrences in emails for every common word.
In [14]:
Spam_Counter = count_commmon_words(spam_dir_train)
Counter({'earn': 51,
'experience': 63,
'through': 75,
'phd': 6,
'increase': 39,
'grant': 12,
'effort': 42,
'choice': 23,
'here': 146,
'short': 38,
'field': 33,
'part': 50,
'personal': 67,
'programs': 15,
'base': 42,
'ba': 8,
'phone': 93,
'power': 30,
'necessary': 25,
'degree': 9,
'further': 51,
'detail': 55,
'call': 132,
'advance': 20,
'require': 64,
'award': 13,
'present': 27,
'knowledge': 30,
'money': 140,
'university': 15,
'diploma': 7,
'ma': 13,
'cost': 99,
'entire': 29,
'conference': 6,
'week': 104,
'receive': 157,
'start': 106,
'our': 223,
'delete': 39,
'po': 27,
'old': 40,
'mailer': 15,
'financial': 55,
'member': 54,
'problem': 47,
'believe': 56,
'ago': 29,
'throw': 13,
'customer': 52,
'hello': 36,
'letter': 67,
'inexpensive': 16,
'guarantee': 73,
'ignore': 22,
'complete': 54,
'control': 30,
'outside': 20,
'cash': 69,
'name': 133,
'usa': 31,
'state': 103,
'texa': 5,
'send': 154,
'later': 35,
'without': 66,
'print': 56,
'program': 99,
'best': 123,
'one': 168,
'note': 59,
'free': 198,
'show': 76,
'computer': 69,
'credit': 71,
'registration': 9,
'must': 80,
'process': 54,
'center': 16,
'today': 116,
'weekly': 26,
'mind': 33,
'zip': 52,
'interest': 98,
'compound': 3,
'few': 68,
'address': 166,
'simple': 72,
'telephone': 31,
'educational': 3,
'main': 22,
'worth': 32,
'entitle': 4,
'convert': 8,
'plan': 41,
's': 219,
'message': 106,
'join': 54,
'number': 106,
'respond': 24,
'box': 56,
'achieve': 21,
'card': 70,
'life': 65,
'solution': 13,
'mortgage': 17,
'please': 188,
'city': 69,
'information': 153,
'especially': 23,
'net': 68,
'id': 21,
'participate': 31,
'us': 156,
'independence': 12,
'tuesday': 2,
'enable': 9,
'company': 102,
'over': 146,
'simply': 79,
'night': 18,
'pm': 26,
'intrusion': 15,
'return': 65,
'solid': 14,
'establish': 15,
'mean': 17,
'freedom': 36,
'form': 63,
'begin': 32,
'system': 65,
'debt': 30,
'obtain': 19,
'secure': 25,
'per': 79,
'pack': 13,
'vacation': 31,
'west': 6,
'pay': 92,
'e': 87,
'home': 101,
'accomodation': 1,
'wonderful': 10,
'three': 25,
'buck': 7,
'room': 12,
'mail': 179,
'reserve': 16,
'stay': 21,
'season': 7,
'announce': 13,
'want': 145,
'follow': 118,
'space': 16,
'com': 160,
'compuserve': 17,
'day': 154,
'lunch': 8,
'book': 33,
'doe': 9,
'additional': 51,
'million': 85,
'reach': 43,
'commercial': 19,
'info': 47,
'future': 74,
'success': 60,
'internet': 124,
'software': 67,
'network': 22,
'search': 60,
'permanently': 8,
'area': 43,
'evaluation': 4,
'proper': 7,
'requirement': 13,
'presence': 9,
'section': 31,
'stop': 38,
'regard': 20,
'propose': 9,
'web': 93,
'advantage': 45,
'sender': 23,
'certain': 16,
'help': 89,
'remove': 150,
'target': 23,
'product': 98,
'fellow': 16,
'promote': 24,
'luck': 23,
'basis': 18,
'request': 80,
'comply': 17,
'recent': 7,
'lead': 19,
'mailing': 55,
'bill': 54,
'selection': 9,
'c': 49,
'reply': 89,
'ten': 17,
'paragraph': 9,
'post': 30,
'unite': 31,
'transmission': 8,
'gov': 20,
'http': 157,
'entrepreneur': 10,
'subject': 102,
'tool': 36,
'service': 108,
'dear': 37,
'business': 114,
'assist': 9,
'level': 44,
'need': 145,
'sale': 57,
'thoma': 5,
'item': 11,
'much': 102,
'try': 75,
'set': 43,
'wish': 85,
'thank': 89,
'market': 102,
'email': 185,
'online': 85,
'federal': 27,
'audience': 7,
'park': 16,
'check': 126,
'greatest': 27,
're': 104,
'onto': 6,
'release': 30,
'include': 129,
'player': 10,
'visit': 80,
'ultimate': 10,
'shop': 26,
'while': 46,
'chart': 8,
'cd': 41,
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'package': 48,
'alway': 57,
'www': 110,
'band': 8,
'why': 65,
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'right': 96,
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'yourself': 72,
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'friend': 56,
'easy': 89,
'available': 93,
'beautiful': 20,
'chance': 43,
'fantastic': 27,
'top': 50,
'pick': 32,
'run': 48,
'access': 45,
'john': 14,
'competition': 25,
'click': 100,
'offer': 143,
'pop': 14,
'n': 27,
'roll': 18,
'big': 46,
'sound': 29,
'radio': 17,
'down': 67,
'play': 29,
'provide': 71,
'london': 11,
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'fun': 44,
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'record': 32,
'prepare': 22,
'nt': 127,
'true': 44,
'unsubscribe': 20,
'b': 40,
'technology': 29,
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'exclusive': 23,
'capitalfm': 17,
'hit': 42,
'thursday': 3,
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'rock': 7,
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'instant': 15,
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'special': 85,
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'screen': 12,
'president': 7,
'biz': 9,
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'poster': 1,
'everythe': 15,
'fm': 10,
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'mailbox': 24,
'next': 69,
'catch': 16,
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'world': 80,
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'whether': 20,
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'hot': 27,
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'major': 57,
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'automatically': 31,
'report': 70,
'notice': 7,
'engine': 34,
'advertiser': 14,
'within': 89,
'bulk': 58,
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'each': 96,
'etc': 53,
'every': 114,
'appropriate': 5,
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'block': 17,
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'review': 23,
'submit': 19,
'media': 3,
'tag': 3,
'thousands': 10,
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'something': 32,
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'dollar': 73,
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'community': 7,
't': 73,
'high': 47,
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'amount': 61,
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'm': 78,
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'earth': 21,
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'york': 18,
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'below': 99,
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'extremely': 25,
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'important': 45,
'californium': 9,
'refund': 29,
'american': 35,
'document': 11,
'confidential': 13,
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'conclude': 12,
'keep': 80,
'grow': 22,
'until': 44,
'surely': 16,
'hi': 24,
'secret': 38,
'global': 17,
'unlimit': 20,
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'enquiry': 1,
'don': 42,
'great': 81,
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'learn': 53,
'ship': 42,
'immediately': 51,
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'limited': 17,
'ourselve': 9,
'worldwide': 26,
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'source': 21,
'plus': 60,
'again': 78,
'office': 48,
'school': 16,
'low': 33,
'hundred': 48,
'total': 47,
'd': 54,
'recently': 21,
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'suite': 36,
'exchange': 19,
'share': 42,
'method': 39,
'extract': 15,
'around': 33,
'tip': 19,
'listen': 13,
'excite': 42,
'teacher': 1,
'everybody': 7,
'beer': 5,
'answer': 50,
'century': 10,
'ever': 78,
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'chat': 16,
'universal': 3,
'channel': 9,
'globe': 5,
'zone': 8,
'hottest': 18,
'uk': 21,
'red': 8,
'song': 6,
'wait': 51,
'past': 42,
'tv': 18,
'compzone': 7,
'june': 10,
'man': 17,
'forthcome': 4,
'rd': 20,
'piece': 32,
'break': 45,
'bag': 7,
'stress': 6,
'fabulous': 17,
'live': 69,
'highlight': 6,
'ad': 49,
'martin': 3,
'angele': 7,
'beverage': 6,
'st': 38,
'saturday': 13,
'co': 18,
'delivery': 33,
'summer': 8,
'both': 45,
'weekend': 12,
'th': 45,
'where': 90,
'la': 8,
'professor': 3,
'holiday': 17,
'meet': 31,
'lyric': 5,
'video': 39,
'size': 22,
'nd': 26,
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'vote': 9,
'prof': 2,
'ticket': 24,
'feature': 22,
'prior': 23,
'carefully': 20,
'really': 65,
'order': 130,
'film': 10,
'musical': 5,
'wednesday': 4,
'expensive': 17,
'boy': 24,
'winner': 16,
'cinema': 9,
'lot': 52,
'title': 33,
'lo': 7,
'everyone': 48,
'kit': 10,
'mark': 14,
'character': 3,
'price': 84,
'preparation': 4,
'girl': 20,
'xxx': 21,
'teen': 15,
'trial': 23,
'index': 19,
'adult': 42,
'html': 42,
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'z': 5,
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'familiar': 7,
'several': 49,
'blank': 12,
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'duplicate': 22,
'circle': 6,
'finish': 12,
'opportunity': 73,
'extension': 6,
'international': 38,
'user': 22,
'contain': 43,
'possible': 40,
'broad': 1,
'bank': 51,
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'canada': 12,
'cause': 10,
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'risk': 36,
'newsgroup': 10,
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'vulgarity': 7,
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'mine': 13,
'highly': 19,
'sort': 17,
'fax': 51,
'filter': 19,
'produce': 33,
'wrap': 15,
'dure': 3,
'download': 30,
'dupe': 8,
'undeliverable': 18,
'sell': 84,
'finally': 34,
'unique': 27,
'real': 52,
'anon': 6,
'nobody': 9,
'private': 23,
'generate': 43,
'mil': 9,
'bonus': 41,
'enclose': 28,
'type': 84,
'key': 20,
'actually': 24,
'unless': 18,
'fast': 27,
'place': 81,
'yes': 30,
'remain': 11,
'valid': 14,
'close': 22,
'specifically': 6,
'since': 37,
'w': 18,
'file': 55,
'huge': 37,
'is': 83,
'tremendous': 11,
'small': 41,
'password': 8,
'purchase': 73,
'are': 56,
'against': 33,
'anything': 43,
'course': 40,
'edu': 9,
'average': 18,
'directory': 23,
'eliminate': 25,
'replace': 16,
'super': 24,
'production': 10,
'bottom': 23,
'clock': 7,
'server': 27,
'account': 46,
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'webmaster': 12,
'marketer': 14,
'envelope': 27,
'postmaster': 6,
'abuse': 10,
'stealth': 22,
'whole': 24,
'inside': 15,
'ensure': 7,
'org': 14,
'vium': 45,
'faster': 23,
'removal': 9,
'investment': 36,
'longer': 23,
'classify': 10,
'cdrom': 12,
'pure': 12,
'isp': 17,
'road': 25,
'less': 57,
'client': 18,
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'bid': 18,
'excess': 18,
'put': 77,
'reduce': 25,
'fresh': 42,
'otherwise': 14,
'using': 27,
'response': 44,
'combine': 14,
'fact': 43,
'tout': 6,
'addresses': 19,
'numbers': 10,
'collect': 24,
'country': 41,
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'seem': 18,
'flame': 10,
'prodigy': 7,
'sign': 41,
'dozen': 5,
'test': 35,
'example': 35,
'near': 15,
'sure': 65,
'lists': 20,
'consist': 3,
'actual': 9,
'diskette': 8,
'fine': 10,
'act': 21,
'doubt': 27,
'magazine': 18,
'window': 33,
'compress': 7,
'stimulate': 4,
'activity': 12,
'whatsoever': 13,
'comment': 11,
'position': 35,
'multiple': 16,
'macintosh': 5,
'utility': 12,
'everything': 50,
'meg': 7,
'treat': 22,
'intelligence': 15,
'command': 6,
'once': 68,
'conversation': 6,
'compatible': 6,
'disk': 13,
'girlfriend': 4,
'design': 34,
'rom': 11,
'above': 62,
'mac': 9,
'differently': 4,
'woman': 15,
'king': 6,
'protection': 13,
'install': 9,
'celebrity': 7,
'correct': 14,
'copy': 64,
'guy': 15,
'code': 58,
'personality': 4,
'x': 46,
'either': 33,
'toy': 9,
'existence': 6,
'voice': 14,
'likes': 6,
'hear': 42,
'hard': 44,
'unmark': 6,
'ibm': 7,
'boyfriend': 5,
'sexual': 12,
'reality': 8,
'turn': 41,
'model': 8,
'remember': 45,
'deat': 28,
'higher': 15,
'continent': 5,
'interactive': 11,
'realistic': 9,
'guide': 29,
'drive': 23,
'relate': 17,
'virtual': 10,
'blvd': 12,
'least': 44,
'upset': 7,
'obey': 4,
'beg': 5,
'sexually': 8,
'attitude': 5,
'ram': 7,
'inform': 13,
'partner': 27,
'v': 28,
'blast': 7,
'club': 18,
'artificial': 6,
'clothe': 10,
'imagine': 33,
'porn': 8,
'handle': 26,
'sex': 22,
'story': 20,
'picture': 16,
'birth': 6,
'none': 6,
'rejection': 1,
'charge': 48,
'responsible': 10,
'north': 7,
'qualify': 23,
'law': 33,
'perform': 11,
'job': 48,
'annual': 12,
'conduct': 4,
'creditor': 15,
'bankruptcy': 21,
'regardless': 10,
'match': 9,
'apply': 18,
'bad': 12,
'excellent': 24,
'income': 69,
'payment': 38,
'express': 28,
'application': 15,
'seek': 13,
'security': 41,
'made': 9,
'nj': 8,
'student': 13,
'prompt': 16,
'deposit': 21,
'resource': 22,
'history': 13,
'guaranteed': 21,
'signature': 29,
'savings': 12,
'final': 13,
'datum': 9,
'recieve': 11,
'text': 31,
'clean': 19,
'open': 45,
'together': 20,
'cheque': 5,
'value': 30,
'unsolicit': 14,
'england': 6,
'clear': 15,
'direct': 36,
'minimum': 10,
'import': 8,
'disc': 5,
'recipient': 13,
'fully': 22,
'quote': 10,
'pound': 7,
'normally': 8,
'resident': 11,
'virtually': 14,
'collection': 15,
'select': 48,
'resell': 22,
'cent': 19,
'msn': 9,
'marketing': 29,
'ability': 23,
'management': 12,
'compare': 11,
'class': 26,
'hour': 93,
'mastercard': 35,
'nothing': 48,
'copyright': 17,
'speed': 20,
'accept': 50,
'tree': 7,
'mass': 16,
'expiration': 21,
'deal': 34,
'visa': 40,
'anywhere': 49,
'aol': 39,
'ready': 40,
'dream': 46,
'reward': 10,
'smith': 4,
'sales': 22,
'person': 47,
'function': 6,
'step': 55,
'setup': 9,
'currently': 24,
'hours': 14,
'stepby': 15,
'tax': 28,
'touch': 10,
'thesis': 2,
'kind': 25,
'yours': 54,
'provider': 17,
'rights': 22,
'volume': 15,
'trash': 13,
'satisfy': 19,
'period': 23,
'thereafter': 9,
'sample': 18,
'separate': 11,
'quality': 25,
'services': 15,
In [15]:
Ham__Counter = count_commmon_words(ham__dir_train)
Counter({'range': 29,
'comprise': 4,
'through': 33,
'future': 20,
'lab': 9,
'practice': 11,
'coordinate': 7,
'language': 241,
'international': 76,
'research': 116,
'promise': 5,
'area': 72,
'broad': 10,
'www': 116,
'fund': 12,
'identify': 30,
'pari': 15,
'canada': 28,
'work': 99,
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For every common word $w$ we compute the probability that $w$ occurs in a spam or ham email. The formula for spam is: $$ P(w \in\texttt{Spam}) = \frac{\mbox{number of spam emails containing $w$}}{\mbox{number of all spam emails}} $$ The formula for ham is similar: $$ P(w \in\texttt{Ham}) = \frac{\mbox{number of ham emails containing $w$}}{\mbox{number of all ham emails}} $$ However, if we would use this formular, than a common word $w$ that, for some reason, hasn't yet occurred in any spam email, would have a probability of $0$ of occurring in spam email. Hence, our classifier would never classify an email with the word $w$ as spam. As this cannot be right, we assume that there is one further spam email that contains every common word. This Laplace smoothing assumption changes the formula for $P(w \in\texttt{Spam})$ as follows: $$ P(w \in\texttt{Spam}) = \frac{\mbox{number of spam emails containing $w$ + 1}}{\mbox{number of all spam emails + 1}} $$
In [16]:
Spam_Probability = {}
Ham__Probability = {}
for w in Common_Words:
Spam_Probability[w] = (Spam_Counter[w] + 1) / (no_spam + 1)
Ham__Probability[w] = (Ham__Counter[w] + 1) / (no_ham + 1)
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'ultimate': 0.03133903133903134,
'browser': 0.02564102564102564,
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'coordinate': 0.002849002849002849,
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'package': 0.1396011396011396,
'instead': 0.05128205128205128,
'side': 0.011396011396011397,
'already': 0.14814814814814814,
'essential': 0.03133903133903134,
'ever': 0.22507122507122507,
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'mit': 0.002849002849002849,
'brief': 0.02564102564102564,
'desire': 0.06267806267806268,
'discovery': 0.019943019943019943,
'royal': 0.011396011396011397,
'update': 0.08262108262108261,
'intelligence': 0.045584045584045586,
'control': 0.08831908831908832,
'present': 0.07977207977207977,
'round': 0.011396011396011397,
'sponsor': 0.022792022792022793,
'occur': 0.017094017094017096,
'philosophy': 0.005698005698005698,
'current': 0.06267806267806268,
'web': 0.2678062678062678,
'text': 0.09116809116809117,
'broadcast': 0.017094017094017096,
'spot': 0.022792022792022793,
'effect': 0.017094017094017096,
'tradition': 0.002849002849002849,
'tv': 0.05413105413105413,
'germanic': 0.002849002849002849,
According to our computation, the probabilty that a spam email contains the word 'consonant'
is about $0.28\%$, while the probability that this word occurs in a ham email is $2.55\%$.
In [17]:
Spam_Probability['consonant'], Ham__Probability['consonant']
(0.002849002849002849, 0.02564102564102564)
For the word 'dollar'
the probabilty that a spam email contains this word is about $21.1\%$, while the probability that this word occurs in a ham email is $1.99\%$.
In [18]:
Spam_Probability['dollar'], Ham__Probability['dollar']
(0.21082621082621084, 0.019943019943019943)
Given a file name fn
, this function returns the probability that the message contained in the given file is spam.
When implementing the formula
$$\arg\max\limits_{C \in \mathcal{C}} \left(\prod\limits_{i=1}^m P(f_i \;|\; C)\right) \cdot P(C) $$
we have to be careful, because a naive implementation will eveluate the product
$$\prod\limits_{i=1}^m P(f_i \;|\; C)$$
as the number $0$ due to numerical underflow. The trick to compute this product is to remember that
$$ \ln(a \cdot b) = \ln(a) + \ln(b) $$
and therefore transform the product into a sum of logarithms:
$$ \prod\limits_{i=1}^m P(f_i \;|\; C) = \exp\left(\alpha + \sum\limits_{i=1}^m \ln\bigl(P(f_i \;|\; C)\bigr) \right) \cdot \exp(-\alpha)$$
Here, the constant $\alpha$ has to be chosen such that the application of the function exp
to the value
$$ \alpha + \sum\limits_{i=1}^m \ln\bigl(P(f_i \;|\; C)\bigr) $$
does not lead to an underflow error.
As we want to compute a probability, we have to be aware that the term $$ \left(\prod\limits_{i=1}^m P(f_i \;|\; C)\right) \cdot P(C) $$ is not the probability that the object is of class $C$ but rather is only proportional to this probability. The fact that the probability of an email being spam + the probability that the email is ham must be $1$ enables us to compute the probability.
In [19]:
def spam_probability(fn):
log_p_spam = 0.0
log_p_ham = 0.0
words = get_common_words(fn)
for w in Common_Words:
if w in words:
log_p_spam += math.log(Spam_Probability[w])
log_p_ham += math.log(Ham__Probability[w])
log_p_spam += math.log(1.0 - Spam_Probability[w])
log_p_ham += math.log(1.0 - Ham__Probability[w])
alpha = abs(max(log_p_spam, log_p_ham))
p_spam = math.exp(log_p_spam + alpha) * spam_prior
p_ham = math.exp(log_p_ham + alpha) * ham__prior
return p_spam / (p_spam + p_ham)
Let us test this with a ham email.
In [20]:
Ok, we got this one right. Let us check the general performance.
In order to evalate the performance of this algorithm, we need to define two new concepts: precision and recall. Let us call the ham emails the positives, while the spam emails are called the negatives. Then we define
The precision of the spam classifier is then defined as $$ \texttt{precision} = \frac{\mbox{number of true positives}}{\mbox{number of true positives} + \mbox{number of false positives}} $$ Therefore, the precision measures the percentage of the ham emails in the set of all emails that are classified as ham. The recall of the spam classifier is defined as $$ \texttt{recall} = \frac{\mbox{number of true positives}}{\mbox{number of true positives} + \mbox{number of false negatives}} $$ Therefore, the recall measures the percentage of those ham emails that are indeed classified as ham.
Usually, it is very important that the recall is high as we don't want to loose a ham email because our classifier has incorrectly classified it as a spam email.
On the other hand, having a high precision is not that important. After all, if $10\%$ of the emails offered to us as ham are, in fact, spam, we might tolerate this. However, we would certainly not tolerate loosing $10\%$ of our ham emails because they are incorrectly specified as spam.
The function precission_recall
takes two directories as arguments: spam_dir
is supposed to contain spam emails, while ham_dir
contains ham emails. It computes the precision and the recall of our spam classifier with respect to these test data.
In [21]:
def precission_recall(spam_dir, ham_dir):
TN = 0 # true negatives
FP = 0 # false positives
for email in os.listdir(spam_dir):
if spam_probability(spam_dir + email) > 0.5:
TN += 1
FP += 1
FN = 0 # false negatives
TP = 0 # true positives
for email in os.listdir(ham_dir):
if spam_probability(ham_dir + email) > 0.5:
FN += 1
TP += 1
precision = TP / (TP + FP)
recall = TP / (TP + FN)
accuracy = (TN + TP) / (TN + TP + FN + FP)
return precision, recall, accuracy
In [22]:
precission_recall(spam_dir_train, ham__dir_train)
(0.8495145631067961, 1.0, 0.9114285714285715)
In [23]:
precission_recall(spam_dir_test, ham__dir_test)
(0.7791411042944786, 0.9769230769230769, 0.85)
In [ ]:
Content source: karlstroetmann/Artificial-Intelligence
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